As I have mentioned before, we have been working on our corporate web site. It is always hardest to work on your own stuff for some reason. Client projects, proposals and hundreds of other things get in the way.

We've been looking at what we are good at, our past projects for clients and where we want to be. I also wanted something strong that we can get excited about, fits in with where we are going right now with our products and goes with my strong interest in what makes a business succeed. In the end, we have come up with the following statement for our new home page:

"We help drive your competitive advantage through creative and innovative software solutions.

Many companies believe that implementing the same processes and tools as their competitors will bring them success. Everyone wants to stand out in the marketplace, but in reality they are often pretty much the same; it is just easier to do what everyone else is doing. Yet the most successful companies stand out because they do things different.

We believe that software can effectively bring together the right blend of: people, communication, process and knowledge to bring organizations of any size significant competitive advantage… our clients understand this as well.

We work with our clients as trusted, long-term business partners to:

  • Understand your underlying business strategy,
  • Envision creative and innovative business solutions that drive out that strategy, and
  • Implement and support all of the necessary software and technologies to help drive your business vision forward."

It is still subject to some editing but I really want to get the remaining web pages finalized so we can publish our updated web site.

P.S. I am really excited about our new message and how it ties into our upcoming product launch… plus all of the synergy with our exiting and new business partnerships. But, you'll have to wait for the launch for details (coming soon to a website "virtually" near you).