On Wednesday, I talked a little bit about manifesting your vision and yesterday a little about taking action.

Things get a little more interesting when you start trying to manifest your vision and at the same time, align your business team with that vision.

Sure you can just ram your vision down their throats but you have a better chance of success if you can get them behind your vision and an even better chance of success if their career and/or financial objectives align with your vision.

The thing is, strategic goals are easily lost in the day to day work of keeping clients happy. Keeping the strategy in your own mind at all times is a challenge… doing so for the entire team is an even bigger one and the problem often grows exponentially as your organization grows.

Tracking and measuring collective progress on these goals can be time consuming. But just being aware of the vision and goals is not good enough; the team also needs to be taking action.

If you are in the position of needing a team of people, all aligned with your vision and goals, to accomplish your business dream/vision, then this is a problem you will need to solve quickly or it will come back to haunt you.

We’ve been running into so many people lately that are suffering right now due to not only the economic downturn but from lack of attention to business strategy. When times were good they were so busy working in the business, they ignored working on it (business strategy). That mistake is costing them a lot now and yet, competitors who got it, are doing better.

So what are you doing to ensure you and your team are always working on your long-term strategy… so that you even have a long-term vision?