Assuming I set New Year's resolutions I would have the following and more:

  • Get more sleep on a regular basis,
  • Exercise more,
  • Eat better,
  • Lose 10 pounds,
  • Achieve more business and financial success,
  • Balance my time over all areas of my life,
  • Have a neater and more organized work space,
  • Waste less time on distractions,
  • Deal with stress better,
  • Travel to Mars.

But if I haven't done those things consistently in the past, what makes me think I will do them in early 2012? Why am I making a big list of things I will likely fail at?

The problem with resolutions is that we tend to focus on the things we aren't happy with… our weaknesses. Oh we can couch them as goals with positive sounding outcomes. Let's face it though, we are forcing ourselves to accomplish them with a big stick approach.

So I propose you look at the things are are doing right and probably enjoy. I hope you have some.

Do more of that.

That is action.

Then make some small positive changes. Bundle the small improvements with the things you enjoy or do the things you enjoy as a reward for the improvements. Focus on a few things at a time. Build momentum.

Set goals, plan and take action regularly throughout the year. Start small and get bigger as the momentum builds. Make your ultimate goals so exciting to you that the work required to get there is worth it. As you get better at it you will be able to set bigger goals and actually achieve most of them.

Just don't save this for a once a year guilt trip. That is why I don't do New Year's resolutions. I believe in working on goals and reflecting all year, not just in December.

Dream big. Everyone should have a big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) they are working on.

Who is to say I can't actually visit Mars (or some other big goal). You might be wrong. And the BHAG gives me focus and reason to take care of the other important things.

Have a wonderful 2012. Dream big and achieve all year.