Most New Year's resolutions fail due to a lack of resolve or persistence. People have a tendency to quit at the first signs of difficulty.

It is no different in business.

Whether you want to significantly grow your business or become a higher earner, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and into new, uncharted territory.

Whenever I have done this in past, things come up to test your resolve. Some are small and some are big. It is no different today.

Monday I had enormous energy and positive outlook. I got a lot accomplished.

Tuesday I had a red eye and a visit to the doctor. Wednesday, I had two matching red, watering eyes and to be frank, it was hard to work. Other distractions popped up as well.

But I have set off on a path… business development and the launching of new products and services. I will not be turned aside so easily. Recover and continue. Do what you can without impacting your health even if the steps are smaller.

The biggest lesson I learnt from basic training (in the military) was never quit. (Polishing shoes, ironing shirts, push-ups, making beds to precise standards and marching have not turned out to be transferable skills for running a business.)

Sure you can change your goal through conscious choice, but don't give up because of fear or discomfort. Always check in your heart to see if you are letting a goal or dream go for the right reasons.

I know deep down that the key to success in anything is to set your goals high, push your limits, focus your energy… and persist until you persevere.

Life is meant to test your resolve and give you opportunities to grow…and reap the rewards that come from growing.