Past Events › Team

Speaker Series (17 Sep) – Culture, Leadership and Talent Essentials To Thrive In Any Economy

Manifast Business Training Centre #710, 816 - 7th Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This is a combination in person (Calgary) and online (GoToWebinar) event. Culture, Leadership and Talent Essentials To Thrive In Any Economy Has the current economic situation forced you to shrink your organization to a handful of your former people? Are you an emerging business getting ready for growth? Rapid shrinking and growing can cause cracks in a business organization. Then when things are right for growth many businesses run the risk of collapsing or imploding under the sudden pressures. If you build a strong core or foundation, you will be able to survive and thrive in any economy. Even more [...]


Past Event: Speaker Series (3 Dec) – Building Teams That Win In Any Economy

Manifast Business Training Centre #710, 816 - 7th Ave SW, Calgary, AB, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This is a combination in person (Calgary) and online (GoToWebinar) event. Building Teams That Win In Any Economy As a business owner or entrepreneur, you have to deal with a lot of concurrent challenges. When you have a solid team working with you, it alleviates a lot of the pressure on you. To keep a team at a high level of performance, you must start with a commitment to excellence throughout the organization. Once you are clear on what the mission, vision, and goals are at any point in time, you can define the organizational impact areas. Impact areas are [...]
